Some Basic Information about Magnetic Motor Starter
A motor magnet starter is a
series of contacts triggered by an electromagnetic starter to start and stop
the associated motor load. A control circuit, in which a transitional contact
device is connected to a magnetic starter circuit, performs the task of
starting and stopping.
The following mechanism forms a
three-pole voltage with a magnetic starter:
• Set permanent contacts
• A number of non-permanent
• compression springs
• solenoids
• Stationary electromagnets
• Set magnetic shading circuit
• Detachable fixture
The magnetic starter is a full
voltage starter that offers thermal overload and immediate protection for the
collector cage motor. This can be controlled automatically or remotely with the
press of a button when you are not in front of the machine. The goal is that
the engine is not too hot. The correct measure of the load on the motor is the
current drained from the motor. Due to its protective function, it is called an
overload device. If excess power is diverted from the motor, it will overheat.
The main purpose of the 3 phase automatic motor starter
is to provide safety in the event of thermal overload. Not designed to
cut fault current A short circuit test should always be performed to determine
whether protection against fault current is required and whether there is a
fault current providing short circuit protection. The magnetic starter hold
circuit is designed to be disengaged whenever the line voltage drops below
sixty percent of its regular value, ensuring safety for the motor on or on.
It is very important to remember
that a solenoid motor starter is a contractor that has a build-up of an
overload relay unit that does the job of overloading the motor protection. The
selection of thermal load relays is based on the manufacturer's table
integrated in the magnetic starter. Also, make sure you know the full load current
(FLC) of the motor, the motor operating factor (SF) and the ambient temperature
at which the instrument will be activated. The thermal element is usually based
on a temperature of about forty degrees Celsius or one hundred- and
four-degrees Fahrenheit.
The motor magnetic starter
includes the three most commonly used main jacks. This contact is usually open.
This setting is used when starting a three-phase motor. Three-phase electricity
is used by nearly all institutional, commercial, or industrial facilities in
the United States. In some areas, such as New York State and some other areas,
two-phase and four-phase electricity are used. In this case, you can order 4
regularly open sockets for the motor magnetic starter. They are available in
various sizes. The smallest items are almost the size of a relay, and the
largest starters can take up almost any space in a room.
Other types of special magnetic
starters are the reversible motor starter for the reverse motor and the
multi-speed motor starter which is used for the special electric powered
multi-speed motor.
For More Details, Visit Us: 3 phase air break motor starter manufacturer
Mk1 Direct on line electric magnetic motor starter
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